I want to help you sound amazing in English.

It's not what you say.
It's how you say it.


You can learn all the grammar and vocabulary you want.


But if you want people to say, "Wow, your English is amazing!" when they hear you speak, you need to work on your accent.


I'm Meredith, and I help Spanish-speakers feel confident about how they sound when speaking English.


Does this sound like you?

  • You are frequently asked to repeat yourself.
  • You think you are saying the right thing, but native speakers still have trouble understanding you because of your accent.
  • People ask you where you're from, or comment on your accent when they hear you speak.
  • You worry that you can't advance your career because of problems with communicating clearly in English.

And you want to finally feel confident and fluent in English.

You've been learning English for years. You’ve tried English courses and language-learning apps. You’ve studied grammar and vocabulary. 


But you still don't feel fluent.


So what’s missing?


Traditional language learning focuses on reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. You memorize words and pronounce them as you think they should be. You end up confused why words in English aren't pronounced like they're spelled, and you struggle with actually speaking and communicating. That’s because this method completely ignores phonetics—the study of how we produce sounds used for speech.

Every language has its own unique set of sounds—or phonemes—that are essential for clear communication. Think of these sounds as the tools you need to do the job right. Trying to speak English with the phonetic system of your native language is like using a screwdriver to hammer a nail. It’s possible, but much more difficult than using the correct tool for the job.

When you learn phonetics, you equip yourself with the right tools to speak English with clarity and confidence, bringing you closer to clear speech and native-like proficiency.



Let's work on improving your American accent, so that:

  • Your accent no longer feels like a barrier or obstacle
  • You are understood the first time (and people don't ask you to repeat yourself)
  • You feel just as confident expressing yourself in English as you do in Spanish
  • You have limitless professional and personal opportunities available to you thanks to your confidence and excellent American accent

With my training methods, my students achieve these goals with measurable results.

How I can help you:


The best way to get started is to download my free pronunciation guide for Spanish-speakers and subscribe to my newsletter. This is your first step.

The guide will get you familiar with accent training and the challenges that Spanish-speakers face in English pronunciation. My newsletter is where you will receive every update and announcement about my business.


With that being said,

Here are my current offers:


1:1 Accent Coaching

These 1:1 coaching sessions are for advanced students who can already communicate in English, and want to perfect their accent.

Learn More

Phonetic Fluency Membership

My membership program is a perfect combination of self-guided learning and practice, together with support and interaction.

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Digital Course

Pronounce With Precision is my auto-didactic course for Spanish-speakers who want to cover all the basics of the American accent to start speaking more like a native.

Learn More

About my group course:

I also have a live group course called Pronounce With Precision. It has the same name as the digital course, because it is the same material but live instead of self-guided.

The group course is currently on pause.

I do not have a new start date right now. If you are interested in joining, you need to subscribe to my newsletter to find out when doors open again. Also, members of Phonetic Fluency will have priority access to join my group course when it opens again. So, join Phonetic Fluency đź’—

Instantly improve your spoken English.

Download my free pronunciation guide.

Instantly improve your spoken English.

Download my free pronunciation guide.

5 Errores de la PronunciaciĂłn

(y cĂłmo arreglarlos)

Make your pronunciation clearer. Download your free guide now.