I’m Meredith Spielman, and I'm an accent coach.

I specialize in teaching the General American accent to Spanish-speakers. I work with actors and business professionals to help them feel confident about how they sound in English.

I am certified as an accent coach in TheAccentChannel.com Accent Specialist Training Program.

I have training as an accent coach and have coached hundreds of students in accent modification, but my true understanding of the needs of my clients comes from my personal experience. As a non-native speaker of Spanish, my goal was (and is) to reduce my foreign accent. Speaking with a “neutral” accent in Spanish allows me to communicate without barriers. It means that listeners hear my message without getting distracted by any noticably foreign accent.

I was able to do this thanks to being a student of accent coaching myself, completing the Neutralización de Acento y Carácter Vocal course with Estudio Ortos Soyuz.

I’ve closely studied the phonetics of both Spanish and English, and how they differ, and I’ve gone through the process myself, working with accent coaches to improve my own pronunciation in a second language. This makes me uniquely equiped to help Spanish-speakers speak English with a clear, neutral American accent. I can identify the specific English sounds and rhythms that are most challenging for Spanish-speakers, and effectively guide my students in producing them accurately.